What inspires me right now? Brown tones, short manicures, straight hairstyles, warming foods, low impact workouts, frothy coffees, morning walks, long beauty routines, trenchcoats, layering, cashmere sweaters, bold jewelry.
Goals for this week? To rest, take care of myself and really be more present.
Small things this week? Slow mornings with coffee in bed, a weekend off from work, lunch with my grandma, catching up with friends, getting back into routines with work and to just spend time with my family.
Favorite tradition? Sunday dinner at home with my family.
Habits I want to keep this fall? Weekly wine dates with friends, morning movement, cooking whole foods at home and family dinners.
Habits I want to implement? One day per week with zero plans, more meditation, more yoga and stretching, more time on skincare and beauty.